terça-feira, 11/01/11
Tempo inconstante, Deus firme.
Estamos no verão! Clima quente, praia, roupas leves e muito sol, certo?
Não, errado...muita água............muita chuva!
Quem está no Rio neste mês de Janeiro, que não viajou de férias está presenciando um dos mais ‘loucos’ climas já visto! Um dia, em plena segunda-feira vamos trabalhar com um sol de lascar, de 40º na cabeça. No outro dia, chuva, chuva e chuva. O tempo pode mudar de uma hora para outra. Não podemos confiar no termômetro, na mulher do clima-tempo na TV, nas previsões meteorológicas, naquela nuvenzinha que se aproxima ou o céu aberto azul e com sol. Em que confiar então?
Áreas de instabilidade e períodos inconstantes no clima do Brasil e do mundo. O homem devasta as matas, mata os animais, derruba as florestas, desestabiliza o equilíbrio das cadeias alimentares, transforma áreas verdes em asfalto. Estamos sentindo o efeito das ações humanas em nosso mundo.
Nesses dias de tempo inconstante só temos um Deus em quem podemos confiar. Eu não sei em quem, ou em que você acredita; em quem tem colocado a sua confiança. Mas eu sei em quem eu tenho crido, e sei que Ele é poderoso e fiel para fazer infinitamente mais do que aquilo que pedimos ou pensamos.
“Saberás, pois, que o SENHOR teu Deus, ele é Deus, o Deus fiel, que guarda a aliança e a misericórdia até mil gerações aos que o amam e guardam os seus mandamentos.” Deuteronômio 7:9 - “Os que confiam no SENHOR serão como o monte de Sião, que não se abala, mas permanece para sempre.” Salmos 125:1
Pode fazer sol ou chuva, ou os dois; pode haver dias de tempestade ou de bonança, o nosso Deus permanece para sempre! “Entrega o teu caminho ao SENHOR, confia nele, e o mais ele fará.” Salmos 37:5
We travelled to Teresopolis where the Methodist Church of the 1a Region has a beautiful retreat. God gave a sense of humor that went on for the 3 times I preached.. I have never laughed so hard in from of 150 Evangelists and pastors. Sometimes, I wonder, if the Lord knows I have to ” keep my reputation”, because, I simply was enjoying and happy as a lark.
These are pastors who are sent to a small church and without nothing they begin to grow and destroy the word of darkness all around them. We prayed for them with fire in our hands.. Ryan is praying as if the world is on fire. Audra is dancing and being convicted of her need for Jesus. Don cannot stop crying. Therese is full of joy and power. Curt is finding the God he loves and his heart is changing by the minute.. Mike is coming to Athens to do a one year internship in our office, to travel with us. Tim just finished fasting 6 days water only and God is delivering him.. He is from Texas. Miracles are happening in their lives and we are seeing the hand of God operate in them in power. Jed is crying before the Lord and his dad is dancing before HIM.
I could not understand why would the Lord make me so happy. I am away from my grandchildren, my children , missing them daily and praying for them.. There was not reason to be happy as it is. But, God put a happy spirit within me and every night I could not say nothing but ” funny”. The work in this retreat is of Bishop Paul Lockman, an anointed man of God, bishop of the Methodist church in the area of the state of Rio de Janeiro. He was at this meeting and blessed us all.
I knew that the Lord was up to something, but did not know why? Suddenly, a sound like a mighty wind came and filled the whole house. Not a single person was untouched by this power. The Lord Jesus baptized every one with the Holy Spirit. There were dozens in the floor, one man danced all around the altar area. Others were crying before God as if someone died. Others could not let their hands down. The building was on fire. There was not a single space to be quiet. The Lord Jesus filled their hearts…
All I wanted to do was to stop crying and find a seat to rest. But, I could not. One after another came for more prayer.
” Thank you God for restoring the tired, the afflicted, the lost, the lonely, the sick , the sad, the depressed , the poor, the pastor, the evangelist and everyone else in this building with open doors…
The mountains surround this place, 1000 feet high. The cattle is seeing grazing at 1000 feet in the mountains. The air is cold and the nights come quickly.. But, the fire of God came and warmed us all. We drove 100 miles and God did it the same all over again. Home at 1 in the morning….Tired but at least 200 souls were saved this weekend.
Rick Bonfim